Duncan Lou Who, Boxer Puppy With Two Legs, Refuses To Slow Down (VIDEO)

This Boxer Puppy Only Has Two Legs, But He Refuses To Slow Down

There is no stopping Duncan Lou Who.

The boxer puppy's rear legs and pelvis were severely deformed at birth, according to Seattle's KING-TV. By the time he was 8 weeks old, they were deemed beyond the help of corrective surgery.

But even though his hind legs were amputated a month ago, he hasn't slowed down a bit. In fact, he could probably outrun us all.

"Duncan is my hero," owner Amanda Giese of Panda Paws Rescue told KING-TV. "He will continue to face every obstacle to come with grace and perseverance."

Though Duncan has multiple custom wheelchairs, the spunky 4-month-old hasn't felt much of a need to rely on them, according to an update on Panda Paw Rescue's YouTube video. You can see for yourself in their clip above.

Thanks for inspiring us, Duncan Lou Who!

H/T: msnNOW

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