How Miami's Shrewd Black Leadership Turned The Mandela Snub To Local Advantage

When Miami SNUBBED Nelson Mandela
Pro Mandela supporters, right, clash with anti Castro Cuban exiles outside the Miami Beach Convention Center Thursday, June 28, 1990, while Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the African National Congress was addressing the AFSCME International Convention. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)
Pro Mandela supporters, right, clash with anti Castro Cuban exiles outside the Miami Beach Convention Center Thursday, June 28, 1990, while Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the African National Congress was addressing the AFSCME International Convention. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

Twenty-three years ago, Nelson Mandela came to Miami, stumbled into a quagmire of Cuban exile politics, got exploited by racial equality organizers and left South Florida a little better than it was before.

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