18 Trips We'd Absolutely Love To Take In 2014

18 Trips We'd Absolutely Love To Take Next Year

Talk to anyone who's post 50 and they'll tell you about the places they plan to visit in their golden years. Indeed, in one recent retirement planning study, 72 percent of those questioned said they planned to take really "nice vacations." So where do people want to go? To the magnetic sites in the City of Lights or the dazzling beaches of Rio de Janeiro?

According to Lonely Planet, the 10 best places in the United States to visit next year include Yosemite National Park and the Jersey Shore. When it comes to the best places to visit overseas in 2014, Brazil, Panama, and Myanmar come out on top.

So what's on your traveling radar in the coming year? Would you like to go back to nature on Cumberland Island, Georgia or eat your body weight in barbecue in Kansas City, Missouri? We asked our Facebook fans about the places they'd like to visit in 2014 above all others -- and were rewarded with a wide range of interesting responses. Take a look at what they had to say. And if you have something to add, please do so in comments.

3) "Venice," said Amara Yammine.


4) "The New England area," said Kimberly Agnew Dickey.

6) "Alaska, Canada," said Edith Rosnay.


7) "Switzerland and I'm going!!" said Marion Rabinowe.

8) "Vietnam! My dream destination!" said Laureen Lund.

9) "Cruise to Hawaii," said Carol Cohen.


10) "Italy," said Jaye DeVeney Gilleland.

11) "Paris," said Suzanne Miller.

amalfi coast


16) "Australia," said John Emfinger.

17) "Seattle, Washington....OR Italy," said Capere Momentum Photography.


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