SNL's 'Guy Fieri Christmas Special' Is One Terrifying Dinner (VIDEO)

Guy Fieri's Christmas Dinner Sounds Terrifying

You know where we don't want to be for Christmas? At Guy Fieri's house. "Saturday Night Live" painted a frightening picture of what such festivities might entail.

Even scarier than the food -- which includes a 20-layer bean dip and Teddy Graham stocking stuffer (yes, that's one dish) -- are the guests. When Criss Angel, Bret Michaels, Kimbo Slice, Mimi from 'Drew Carey' and Verne Troyer all show up at the same table, you know it's about to get real weird.

It's a good rule of thumb that at any party in which Kid Rock brings Bud Lime gazpacho, you should probably make other plans.

Watch the party of nightmares above.

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