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Eco-Friendly Holiday Tips: Surprising Ways To Make Your Family Time More Sustainable

Surprisingly Easy Ways To 'Green' Your Holiday

For many people, the holiday season is about more than just religion. It is a time to contemplate the morals we value as a society. These concepts are explored through actions, by swapping gifts, giving donations and making sure to spend time with friends and family. Yet a major component of the holiday mindset is showing gratitude for the world around us. One of the best ways we can do this is by not only showing compassion and appreciation for our loved ones, but by making sure our holiday is as sustainable as possible.

Making your holiday eco-friendly may seem simple, especially when it comes to meal times. We can buy local, free-range meats and seasonal vegetables, and make sure to eat on reusable place settings. However, there are a number of ways to go the extra step that you may not have considered. Below are some surprising tips for creating a holiday filled with love, integrity and appreciation for the Earth.

Do you have any suggestions to add? Tweet at us with the hashtag #SustainableHoliday, or submit your tip to the slideshow below!


Surprising Tips For A Sustainable Holiday


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