'Military-Style' Raid On California Power Station Spooks U.S.

'Military-Style' Raid On Power Station Spooks U.S.
Power transmission lines hang from electricity pylons near Ferrybridge coal fired power station, operated by SSE Plc, in Ferrybridge, U.K., on Tuesday Nov. 26, 2013. SSE Plc, the U.K.'s second-biggest energy supplier, pledged to curb increases in customer bills if the government cuts environmental levies that push up tariffs. Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Power transmission lines hang from electricity pylons near Ferrybridge coal fired power station, operated by SSE Plc, in Ferrybridge, U.K., on Tuesday Nov. 26, 2013. SSE Plc, the U.K.'s second-biggest energy supplier, pledged to curb increases in customer bills if the government cuts environmental levies that push up tariffs. Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images

When U.S. officials warn about "attacks" on electric power facilities these days, the first thing that comes to mind is probably a computer hacker trying to shut the lights off in a city with malware. But a more traditional attack on a power station in California has U.S. officials puzzled and worried about the physical security of the the electrical grid--from attackers who come in with guns blazing.

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