8 Superpowers You Didn't Know You Had

8 Superpowers You Didn't Know You Had

By Heather Quinlan for YouBeauty.com

Though you may sometimes forget they exist, you have incredible superpowers. If you choose to, you can use these powers and change your world, and maybe even impact the world around you. So dust off your cape and let's begin...

The Power Of Love

This is a big one, and it applies to all types of love -- love for family, friends, spouses and significant others, pets, etc. Importantly, it also applies to love for yourself. You’ll feel more alive and connected if you let yourself truly feel and express affection. You may be more comfortable saying it with words or showing it with actions. Do whichever feels right to you, or both, but let the people who are important to you know that you care about them. Also, let them send love your way, and remember to see yourself as lovable.

The Power Of Words

This is an important superpower to use for good, rather than for evil. Words can wound deeply if you aren’t careful. Harsh words, criticism, name-calling and negative gossip can destroy self-esteem and relationships. Group events like fat-talking and mean-girl behavior are also dangerous. But you have the power to turn this around. Share positive comments and encouragement. You can be honest if something is negative and still be kind. Make the effort to avoid hurtful words and you’ll save yourself and others from unnecessary damage.

The Power Of Leading By Example
being a leader

Remember the story of Cheryl and Elphaba from my column Honoring the Girl Code? In that situation, a treacherously powerful supervisor we called Elphaba used her power for evil, creating major turmoil for her employee, Cheryl. Imagine how Cheryl’s professional life would have been different (and much better) if her boss had decided to positively mentor her instead, wielding her power as a way to teach and inspire. Cheryl could have learned from watching Elphaba work, and felt supported and encouraged. If you want the people around you to grow from your involvement in their lives, show them how to do it. Walk the walk.

The Power Of Movement

Get up and move! Our bodies' innate ability to perform is something we may take for granted, but we shouldn't. Exercise, dancing or just skipping down the street can boost your mood, build your confidence and bolster your strength. You don’t need to be graceful or athletic or even coordinated -- you just need to move your body. Walking is the easiest way to start, but there are thousands of choices. Thanks to my 10-year-old daughter, I’ve recently rediscovered ice-skating. Years ago, I could do a respectable arabesque and zip around the rink backwards. This week, I was pretty happy with increasing the speed of my laps and avoiding smashing into other people in the crowded rink. So find something you like and move. You’ll be doing something good for your body and your mind.

The Power Of Style
little girl dressed up

Nurturing your sense of style is very empowering. You can control the message that you send to the world with your self-presentation choices. Wonder Woman chose hot pants and fluffy hair to go with her superpowers, and it worked for her. Figure out what works for you and your lifestyle. Your style is expressive and dynamic. It can reflect who you are inside, and who you hope to become. It can even fuel your transformation. Making active style choices can help you feel confident, beautiful and uniquely you.

The Power To Make Choices (Sometimes)

This superpower is huge, but often forgotten. There are so many things that you can change just by making a different choice. You can’t change everything, but there are elements that you can control. If you’re not happy with your social life, what can you do differently? Spend time with different people? Go to different places? Confide in different friends? If you’re not happy with your body, what can you do differently? Change your grocery list? Start walking more? Work on your body image? What about work? Family? Self-esteem? There are many areas where using your power to make choices can make you happier with your life.

The Power Of Twizzlers

No, it doesn’t have to be Twizzlers. That’s just one of my favorite treats. This is the superpower of guilt-free indulgence. Guilt-free is the key here. Only you have the power to let yourself enjoy occasional treats without beating yourself up for it before, during or afterwards. The treat may be chips, wine, tabloid magazines, cartoons, spa days -- whatever appeals to you. It may not be best for you to indulge all the time, but every once in a while you deserve it, and you should let yourself enjoy it to the fullest.

The Power Of Fun

You know it’s important for children. There are huge businesses built on promoting fun in childhood. Then what happens? You grow up and life becomes full of responsibilities. It’s never too late to put some playtime back in your life. Gather some friends and do something fun. Or, if you prefer, make it alone time and recharge in solitude. Maybe try something new, or do something you used to enjoy before you got all grown up and serious about life. Make time to smile and laugh, and bring the balance back into your life.

Before You Go

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