Glenn Beck Offended By Coca-Cola's Super Bowl Ad: Purpose Is 'To Divide People'

Glenn Beck Didn't Like Coca-Cola's Super Bowl Ad

Glenn Beck didn't like Coca-Cola's ad for the Super Bowl — not for the same reason as other critics, but because it caused controversy at all.

The host alleged on his show Monday that Coca-Cola's mission behind the ad — which featured multilingual renditions of "America the Beautiful" — was to "divide us politically." Beck said that he took offense when someone asked him what he thought of the ad.

He continued, "And I said, ‘Why did you need that to divide us politically?’ Because that’s all this ad is... It’s in your face, and if you don’t like it, if you’re offended by it, you’re a racist. If you do like it, you’re for immigration. You’re for progress. That’s all this is: To divide people. Remember when Coke used to do the thing on the top and they would all hold hands? Now it’s, have a Coke and we’ll divide you.”

Watch his comments in the clip above (via Right Wing Watch).

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