The Twin Peaks Burlesque Show Will Make Your Fantasies And Nightmares Come True (NSFW)

The Twin Peaks Burlesque Show Will Make Your Fantasies And Nightmares Come True (NSFW)

If you love David Lynch's creepy-quirky character, Log Lady, as much as you love the vaudevillian beauty of burlesque, do we have a performance for you. It's called the "Miss Twin Peaks Beauty Pageant," and it's the perfect mix of eye patches, coffee drinking and pasties straight from Lodge.

lody lady
Amelia Bareparts - Margaret Lanterman, aka the Log Lady

The event made in television heaven was held at New York City's Joe's Pub (temporarily re-dubbed "The Road House") last week, featuring versions of Leland Palmer, Nadine Hurley, Margaret Lanterman, Norma Jennings, Windom Earle and many others. The winner of the faux pageant was -- of course! -- a Log Lady impersonator by the name of Amelia Bareparts. Because who didn't love that lovably crazy clairvoyant who helped Dale Cooper communicate with a supernatural realm?

Francine "The Lucid Dream" - Nadine Hurley & Annie Blackburn (and her doppelgänger Caroline Earle)

If you weren't able to catch the Lynchian burlesque in person, don't worry. You can relive the very NSFW Twin Peaks tribute here. Scroll through the photos (courtesy of Joe's Pub) below and let us know your thoughts on the burlesque bonanza in the comments.

Boo Boo Darlin' - Norma Jennings

For more artistic takes on Lynch's '90s phenomenon, check out Martin Woutisseth's illustrations here.

matt knife
Matt Knife - Windom Earle

Gemini Rising - Audrey Horne

Gemini Rising - Audrey Horne

Francine "The Lucid Dream" - Nadine Hurley & Annie Blackburn (and her doppelgänger Caroline Earle)

Francine "The Lucid Dream" - Nadine Hurley & Annie Blackburn (and her doppelgänger Caroline Earle)

foxy vermouth
Foxy Vermouth - Lana Budding Milford & Shelly Johnson

Foxy Vermouth - Lana Budding Milford & Shelly Johnson

log lady
Amelia Bareparts - Margaret Lanterman, aka the Log Lady

log lady
Amelia Bareparts - Margaret Lanterman, aka the Log Lady

logy lady
Amelia Bareparts - Margaret Lanterman, aka the Log Lady

Minx Arcana - Josie Packard (& Donna Hayward)

Minx Arcana - Josie Packard (& Donna Hayward)

Boo Boo Darlin' - Norma Jennings



log lady

All photographs were taken by Mark Shelby Perry

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