In Just 2 Minutes, This Video Will Make You Feel Silly For Ever Having Doubted Yourself

In Just 2 Minutes, This Video Will Make You Feel Silly For Ever Having Doubted Yourself

It's good to know we're not alone.

In a four-part interview on storytelling back in 2009, Ira Glass, longtime host of radio program "This American Life," shared some insightful advice from his own life experiences on overcoming self-doubt. According to his theory, there's a "gap" between the quality of work an individual puts out at the start of their career and that person's potential. This frustrating disparity is often clear to the beginners themselves -- they have the "taste" to know that what they're creating isn't as good as they'd like it to be, but don't yet have the experience to achieve that level of quality.

But that's normal, Glass says. For anyone with a passion for something, Glass' words are a timeless inspiration and a reminder that experience is the only way close the gap.

The video you'll see here was created to illustrate Glass' advice over the course of a year by a German designer, Daniel Sax, who explained the video's visual styling in an interview with Co.Design. At the beginning, Sax used longer focal lengths for narrower shots, and moved into shorter focal lengths to represent the "skill-journey" we take in our lives.

"While he is very limited and narrow in the beginning, it gets wider and more comprehensive the longer he practices and works in the business," Sax said.

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