A Single Person's Guide To Owning Valentine's Day

Here's A Gif Guide To Owning Valentine's Day As A Single Person

Valentine's Day is nearly upon us, and it can be a rough day for singletons. It hardly seems like everyone's in a relationship until Feb. 14, and then, suddenly, they are. If you're flying solo for Valentine's Day this year, don't spend it curled up on the couch watching TV; use your favorite shows as inspiration to live it up.

Before Feb. 14 becomes "Singles' Awareness Day," turn it into a single awesome day.

You had it all planned out in order to snag a significant other by Valentine's Day this year.
You had so many expectations for a romantic, wonderful day.
But somehow, Feb. 14 snuck up out of nowhere ...
And suddenly you're dateless on that special night.
It's so easy to spend the day depressed, thinking that it's you ...

And hating the happy couples that seem to be everywhere.
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But that's such a waste of time. Life is for living, and you're better than all that moping. Why not take yourself on a date?
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Seriously, do it up right.
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Eat what makes you happy.
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You really don't need a significant other to indulge in a bon-bon or several.

Spend time with friends ...
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Or even party with your family.
Or just roll around in all the money you're not spending on flowers and forgettable cards.
No moping allowed! You're better than that.
Now go make this Valentine's Day an amazing one!

Before You Go

Going out

17 Things We Love About Valentine's Day That Have Nothing To Do With Love

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