These Guys Just Slacklined Between Two Hot Air Balloons


If you think slacklining is hard, try doing it thousands of feet in the air.

Using a group of professional stuntmen (don't try this at home), the French Sébastien Montaz-Rosset and a team of slackliners, skydivers, hot air balloon pilots and camera men took to the sky for an ambitious task: To slackline between two hot air balloons.

Or, as they called it, "The Balloon Highline."

Using fine piloting skills and incredible balance, the group attempts to walk from one hot air balloon to another -- no strings attached -- via a single slackline. Of course the guys are well-equipped with safety parachutes if they fall.

Do you think they'll make it?

Check out the video above to find out.

Before You Go

GPS Guide: Hot Air Balloons

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