Artist Grant Rehnberg Creating Memorial Installation For Gay Grandfather

LOOK: This Artist's Grandfather Came Out 5 Months Before His Death

Artist Grant Rehnberg's grandfather came out to him as gay at the age of 90 -- only five months before his death -- and the experience certainly left a profound and remarkable impact on Rehnberg.

Now, Rehnberg is attempting to memorialize and celebrate the life and accomplishments of his grandfather through a new art installation. Currently engaged in an Indiegogo campaign, the artist is seeking funding in order to make the project a reality.

"Sitting over photos of my husband Bradford and I at our wedding, my 90-year-old grandfather proudly celebrated the balls it takes to live openly," Rehnberg noted in the above video. "He told me about the love of his life, Warren Johnson, a boy he played music with at church. He told me God loves every part of us. He told me he would trade places with me if he could. He told me he loved me."

Curious to learn more about the project? Head here for more information.

(h/t Towleroad)

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