'Back To The Future' Musical Parody Shows Us What To Expect

They're Going To Ruin 'Back To The Future' WIth A Musical

Taking a great flavor, say pizza, and spraying it onto gas station snacks does not necessarily make the gas station item good. Nor does taking an iconic film and turning it into musical yield a winning recipe.

Yet, these atrocities are carried out everyday in gas stations the world over and such a musical production is in the works. A new clip from the guys at DweebCast, Ora.TV’s nerd show, previews the nightmare that this musical could be.

DweeCast reveals what a musical adaptation of the iconic film "Back to the Future” would look like were it lifted out of the 80’s (WHERE IT SHOULD BE) and spruced up for modern audiences. Such a production is set to debut in 2015.

If DweebCast's vision for the interpretation is anywhere close to what is set for 2015, there is reason to be afraid and outraged. They forecast a catastrophe. One must see it to believe it, then probably watch it again to affirm that mankind is capable of such horrible acts. Let Dweebcast's view behind the scenes of the coming 2015 musical serve as a warning: don’t mess with BTTF, and save pizza flavor for pizza.

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