“Look, everybody knows what’s happened," the president responded to his likely 2024 election rival's rant.
In a teaser clip for a new interview, the five-time Grammy winner shared what's happened when she’s recently attempted to sing.
President Joe Biden's campaign released a new video calling out the former president for ducking service.
“The Five” host joined the chorus of conservatives using the video from an RNC account to attack the president.
Cost of living and availability of jobs are just some of the factors that play a role. Did your town make the list?
The WNBA's new (male) fans are gaslighting — but women know that game too well.
"I wish I could say I swooped in and saved Nina from her tormentors, but I would have to accept failure — and acknowledge my own powerlessness — in order to do that."
One of the former president’s most-repeated claims was busted in Abby Phillip’s montage.
The MSNBC host reminded the Florida Republican what he said "three times for emphasis" during his comments on Black American families.
Florida’s highest court has rejected an effort by State Attorney Monique Worrell to get reinstated after she was removed from office last year by Gov. Ron DeSantis.
President Joe Biden is likely to point to Friday's jobs report as a sign of the economy’s robust health under his administration.
The disturbing file, which prosecutors call a "planning document," had notes on supplies, destroying evidence and getting enough sleep before a "hunt."

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