Staten Island Clown Might Be A Stunt By Local Film Company

Staten Island Clown Might Be A Stunt By Local Film Company

Okay guys, enough clowning around.

The terrifying clown that's said to have been creeping out residents in Staten Island, N.Y., is a stunt by a local film company, the New York Post reports.

According to the newspaper, all four men who have posted media of the clown online have connections to a horror film production company called Fuzz on the Lens.

The Staten Island Advance reached out to one of the men, Michael Leavy, who denied that the clown was a hoax.

"I think he's funny and this whole thing (is funny), so if people want to think it's me or whoever I won't stop them," Leavy told the newspaper. "Maybe I should go get a clown suit though. Hopefully they are not sold out."

The purportedly random sightings caused a viral sensation over the last two weeks, but the four men named by the Advance -- Leavy, Vincent Innocente, Robert Privitera and comedian Vic Dibitetto -- are the only people to post photographs of the clown, the paper reports.

Last year the town of Northampton, England, also had a brush with a creepy clown. Not surprisingly, that clown turned out to be a stunt by a local filmmaker.

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Creepy Clown Creeping Out Staten Island

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