These Shows Used To Be Your Favorite, But Have You Forgotten Them? #NeverForget

Bet You Haven't Thought About These Shows In Forever


Remember the good ol' days when you used to tune in to shows like "Doug," "Hey Arnold!," "Full House," "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," "Family Matters," "Teen Witch," "Clarissa Explains It All," "Alex Mac," "Saved by The Bell" and "Boy Meets World?"

Of course you do.

But what about those more obscure(ish) classics you watched on precious mornings before leaving for school? Well, kids let's do the noodle dance and think of some old shows we loved in yesteryear, but haven't thought about in ages. So put your bananas in pajamas and skip it down memory lane with us. Here we go!

"Goof Troop" (1992)
All we have to say is, "bobbity bop bop ba doo wop, YA."

"Duck Tales" (1987)
This theme song clearly wins all. In fact, it is so good, we could listen to it over and over ... for an hour.

"Dark Wing Duck" (1991)
Did you remember how badass this intro was? Oh, you didn't? Well, here you go.

"TaleSpin" (1990)
Reallllly feelin' this song, and while we're on the subject, remember "Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers"?

"Gummi Bears" (1985)
Yup, we forgot about this one, too.

"Muppet Babies" (1984)
These babies should have been friends with the "Baby Looney Tunes."

"Inspector Gadget" (1983)
Go go, Gadget!

"The Magic School Bus" (1994)
We all learned so much from this show.

"Pepper Anne" (1997)
Truly one in a million.

"Kablam!" (1996)
Did this show come on before or after "All That"?

"PB&J Otter" (1998)
Do you know what time it is? It's time to do the noodle dance.

"Rolie Polie Olie" (1998)
The first time you realized computer animation might become "a thing."

"Out of the Box" (1998)
Because "Bear in the Big Blue House" and "Blues Clues" were too obvious.

"Microscopic Milton" (1997)
You might have caught this very small show after an episode of "Little Bear" or "Rupert."

"The Busy World of Richard Scary" (1993)
There's something scary about that worm.

"The Wild Thornberrys" (1998)
Also "Rocket Power."

"Eureka's Castle" (1989)
Did you like this show better than "Fraggle Rock?"

"Gullah Gullah Island" (1994)
Come and let's play together!

"Dinosaurs" (1991)
We wonder if these guys ever entered the world of "Land of the Lost."

"Sister, Sister" (1994)
Speaking of siblings, remember "Smart Guy" and "My Brother and Me"?

"Brotherly Love" (1995)
All the sibling love in the '90s is like "whoa!"

"Legends of the Hidden Temple" (1993)
Which is the show where they get slimed again?

"Off The Wall" (1998)
Speaking of game shows, Disney's "Mad Libs" was a pretty good one, too.

"Blossom" (1991)
In our opinion, the sun will surely shine if you re-watch this show.

"Bug Juice" (1998)
It doesn't come in a jar.

And just for good measure we'll add:

"The Famous Jett Jackson" (1998)


"Flash Forward" (1996)

We know this list could go on f.o.r.e.v.e.r., but sadly it must come to an end. Tell us what your favorite TV shows growing up were in the comments below!

Correction: A previous version of this article stated the "Inspector Gadget" series aired in 1999 and "Goof Troop" in 1982.

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