Fox News: Obamacare Numbers Are 'Phony'

Fox News Desperately Searches For A New Obamacare Conspiracy

Before the news that over 7 million people had signed up for Obamacare, Fox News pundits seemed to be in agreement about one thing: the program was definitely not going to hit that target.

In the wake of the news that over 7 million people have signed up for Obamacare, Fox News pundits Bill O'Reilly and Charles Krauthammer were in complete agreement about one thing: there's no way those numbers were real.

“These numbers that they are touting are phony numbers," Krauthammer told O'Reilly on Tuesday. "That’s like saying anybody who goes on Amazon, orders a nifty stereo set, and puts it in the shopping cart, has purchased the stereo set. I can assure you it’s not going to show up at your house until you paid for it.”

The two men were also sure that the whole thing was a conspiracy to move towards a single-payer system, which, since single-payer advocates think Obamacare is a mess that only further entrenches a corrupt private insurance oligarchy, would be news to them.

Watch video above (h/t Mediaite)

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