Is The Economy Contributing To The Rise In Millennial Suicides?

Is The Economy Contributing To The Rise In Millennial Suicides?

After Jewelyn Cosgrove discovered that suicide is the third-leading cause of death among millennials, she took up the cause of preventing the epidemic from getting worse.

Cosgrove joined HuffPost Live this week to explain what's behind the staggering number of young people who chose to end their own lives.

"Those jobs disappeared," Cosgrove told host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani, referring to the recession in the late 2000s that left so many college grads without employment opportunities.

"The cost of college is skyrocketing," she continued. "The levels of debt are skyrocketing, and you're seeing that people are coming out with a college degree and working retail jobs. This really contributes to a lot of those factors that are exacerbated that lead to depression, and substance abuse and mental illness that ultimately can lead to suicide."

Watch the full HuffPost Live segment on the economy's impact on the millennial suicide rate below:

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