Dunununun BatLAMB! (PHOTO)

PHOTO: Dunununun BatLAMB!

Sure she looks a little sheepish, but underneath that fuzzy coat lurks a caped crusader.

She's ... BatLAMB, a baby sheep slightly resembling Batman who was born last week in Norway. Yes, she's a total baaaaaadass.

Batlamb: The hero the pasture deserves, but not the one that it needs right now:

Batlamb's owner, Hege Vigre, says the sheep's superhero identity was evident even in utero.

"She was lying wrong in the womb, with the left foot under the stomach and the right one forward, like Superman," Vigre told The Local, an English-language Norwegian news outlet.

Here's to putting the "baaaaaaaa" in Batman.

Here are photos of other animals that are secretly Batman:

Bat-Pug vs. The World

13 Animals Who Are Secretly Batman


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