Priests Cycle 450 Miles To Raise Money For Cancer Charity (PHOTOS)

Priests Cycle 450 Miles For Charity

Three intrepid priests from St Michael’s College in Cardiff, Wales completed a 450-mile, 8-day cycling trip on Tuesday, traveling throughout the country to raise money for a cancer charity.


Tom Bates and Rhun ap Robert, two trainee priests, and their lecturer, Rev. Stephen Adams, embarked on the ambitious trip on April 22 and spent 12 hours a day for the next eight days cycling between Wales' cathedrals. Their goal was to raise money for their school, which prepares students for lay and ordained ministry, and for the cancer charity, Tenovus, which supports cancer research and treatment.


In a statement before the trip, Rev. Adams said, "I hope that by journeying to each of these holy sites we’ll get a deeper sense of God’s love for the people of Wales and encourage others to consider how God is calling them to help strengthen and build up our communities and churches.”


Rhun also mentioned the importance of exercise for connecting with his spirituality. "One thing being at theological college has taught me is the need for a balance in mind, body and spirit. We exercise our minds in our study, our spirit in our worship and for all areas to function fully, the need to exercise body is just as essential."


Throughout their journey, the priests reaffirmed their commitment to the cause by "lighting candles and praying for our intentions at each place we stop," Bates told HuffPost through a St. Michael's representative. "I've been praying the rosary each day as I cycle, dedicating each decade to either the pilgrimage, or one of the causes, and to sanctify the time on our journey. Cycling lends itself to that cyclical kind of prayer, it takes the mind away from the aches of the body, and it keeps one focused on one's purpose."


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