The Female Sociopath

Why We're So Captivated By The Female Sociopath

Amy Dunne of Gone Girl, Lisbeth Salander of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Cersei Lannister of Game of Thrones. If there's one thing these cold, calculating ladies can teach us, it's that we're captivated by the female sociopath. But how did she rise to such prominence in our cultural imagination? The answer has everything to do with corporate "feminists" and the way they teach women to "have it all." (Very mild spoilers ahead.)

'Iconic Psycho Bitch' And Boss Bitches

There is only one fashion magazine in my apartment. It is the May issue of W Magazine, and I bought it for its cover, or rather for its cover girl, Rosamund Pike, who glowered at me from behind the grubby windowpane of a convenience store on Fulton Street.

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