Dogs Are Helping These College Students Manage Their Stress Levels

The Surprising Thing That's Helping These College Students Relieve Stress

Matthew Louie and Raj Maheshwari were your average, stressed college students, but they decided to do something about it.

Their solution? Bringing a puppy room to their school -- Queens College -- during finals week.

"I was a member of student government, I was taking six classes, I'm double majoring -- there were a million and one things going on," Maheshwari said during a HuffPost Live segment.

"When this came to Queens College," Maheshwari added, "it definitely contributed to just 'cooling me down' when I was just so aggravated. There was so much going on, so it really definitely helped."

Many colleges have tried out using dogs to help students destress around finals. Research shows interaction with pets can lower stress hormones and raise endorphins, or happiness hormones, according to the Associated Press.

Louie was initially surprised at Queen College's willingness to host the puppies, but affirmed that the"puppy room" has been a huge hit with both students and professors alike.

"Even now, the faculty is asking when is the puppy room coming back because they heard it was such a huge success from their students," Louie said. "So it's definitely a part of the college now, in my opinion."

Watch the clip above to hear more about the stress-reducing power of puppies.

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