Glenn Greenwald Was 'Looking Forward' To Another David Gregory Interview

Glenn Greenwald Was Looking Forward To Another David Gregory Interview

Glenn Greenwald was looking forward to sitting down with David Gregory again...but that's not going to happen.

The Guardian columnist is scheduled to be on "Meet the Press" Sunday to discuss his new book, the first time he will return to the program since his controversial interview last June, in which David Gregory wondered if he should be "charged with a crime" for working with NSA leaker Edward Snowden.

Greenwald responded to Gregory during the interview that it was "pretty extraordinary that anybody who would call themselves a journalist would publicly muse about whether or not other journalists should be charged with felonies."

But Greenwald recently found out that Sunday's interview will not be with David Gregory, but with Pete Williams instead.

"That was really disappointing," Greenwald said on HuffPost Live Friday. "I was really looking forward to part 2 of my interview by David Gregory and to see what his approach was."

"I'm not exactly certain of the machinations inside NBC...but that was the choice they made," he added.

Watch the video for the clip from HuffPost Live.

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