Charles Krauthammer Supports Bergdahl Swap

Fox News Contributor Actually Supports Bergdahl Swap

On Wednesday, Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer expressed his support for the Obama administration's decision to negotiate Bowe Bergdahl's freedom.

Speaking on "Special Report," Krauthammer told Fox News host Bret Baier that Bergdahl should face an investigation over allegations that the soldier left his post in Afghanistan on the night he went missing. However, he insisted that the White House did the right thing by bringing him home first.

"Look, had the choice been mine, I would have made that same choice," Krauthammer said. "It's a difficult decision and I would not attack those who would have done otherwise."

The United States negotiated the release of Bergdahl, who had been held captive by the Taliban in Afghanistan for the past five years, in exchange for five Guantanamo detainees.

Krauthammer said that the United States, along with other Western countries, "always comes out on the short end" in hostage swaps. He included Israel in this, pointing to when the country gave up 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in return for one sergeant.

"The reason we put a value on the individual human life the way that the ones at the other end of the table don't," Krauthammer said. "That's why we always end up with unequal swaps."

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