Meanwhile, In Hawaii, Someone Is Walking A Horse Down The Road.. With Their Truck

Meanwhile, In Hawaii...

Stop everything you're doing and just know that yesterday, somewhere in the U.S., this actually happened:

man walking horse truck

Keoni Feiteira, a resident of the Hawaiian island of Maui, was on the road when he snapped this gem: a horse, leashed to a truck, walking through an intersection. But before you start sounding off about animal abuse, this person was actually saving the horse, according to MauiWATCH.

"Actually," MauiWATCH writes on their Facebook page, "we understand that the horse got loose and the person driving this truck was escorting it to safety a short distance away." The truck's emergency lights were blinking while the horse trotted behind the slow-moving vehicle. Good samaritan? We think so.

We're happy to hear that our large four-legged friend was in safe hands. We're also happy that this picture exists.

Hat tip, MauiWATCH

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