How Women Can Have The Career They Want Without Sacrificing Their Well-Being

How Women Can Have The Career They Want Without Sacrificing Their Well-Being

The burden of balancing career and personal life still seems to fall disproportionately on women's shoulders. While we are in the process of revolutionizing the workplace to adjust accordingly, it’s surprising that the strong majority of women feel like they are struggling now more than ever.

Author of Getting Real About Having It All Megan Dalla-Camina recently completed her “Getting Real About Women At Work” survey, and joined HuffPost Live host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani today to share the results.

“Seventy percent of the women that I surveyed are really struggling with a couple of things,” said Dalla-Camina. “They are struggling with the ability to put their careers and lives together in a way that works for them, and they’re also really struggling with their well-being. Forty percent of the women that we polled said they are hanging on by a thread, and 10 percent of those said they just can’t get out of bed in the morning.”

There seems to be a significant gap between what women want and their ability to access that. Dalla-Camina thinks that employers have just as big of a role to play in helping women find the tools, time and resources to put their life vision today.

“These results were quite startling for me, just how many women are struggling in this pace today, but there’s an organizational piece as well," she said. "We need to help women find out what they really want for themselves… and then we need organizations to really come to the party for men and for women to create workplaces where everyone can thrive.”

To hear more about Dalla-Camina’s survey and it’s implications on women, work, career management and well-being, watch the HuffPost Live video clip above.


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