5 Bizarre Belgian Insults To Know So You Can Yell At The World Cup

5 Bizarre Belgian Insults To Know So You Can Yell At The World Cup

Every four years The World Cup gives countries from across the globe a chance to learn about each others rich cultures, and then hate on them when they eventually face off on the pitch. As the much anticipated match between the United States and Belgium gets set to start on Tuesday, many Americans seem eager to add some vitriol to the until-now amicable relationship with the Belgians.

But beyond destroying waffle makers and cases of Stella Artois, much of the nation seems perplexed as to how to properly vent against their newfound arch-nemesis. The WorldPost is here to help with that, by offering some authentic insults in Dutch -- one of Belgium's three national languages -- that you can hurl during moments of frustration that may be felt during the match.

1. Kwal

Translation: Jellyfish.Meaning: An arrogant guy.

"Belgium's manager is such a kwal, he's about to taste the power of American freedom."

2. Snotneus

Translation: Snot Noses.Meaning: Used to describe an annoying pipsqueak or little guy. Kind of like calling someone a snot-nosed kid.

"That snotneus Eden Hazard is only 5'7! Just kick it over him!"

3. Schijtluis

Translation: Shit Louse.Meaning: Cowardly, yellow. Pretty much the same thing as when you call someone chickenshit in America.

"Penalty kick?! That was a dive! What a schijtluis!"

4. Zak

Translation: Bag or sack, as in ball sack.Meaning: Somebody who is a total dick.

"We'd be winning if this ref wasn't a zak!"

5. Viswijf

Translation: A woman who sells fish (look, we didn't make it up).Meaning: Often used to describe a woman who is loud, talks a lot and is a frequent gossip, obviously even more derogatory if used to describe a man.

"No one tell my Belgian friend I cried when America lost, he's a real viswijf."

Correction: An earlier version of this post misidentified "schijtluis" as chicken shit. While it has a similar meaning, "shit louse" is the correct and more evocative translation. We also updated some of the language in this post to reflect that "zak" can be translated as "bag" or "sack."

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