'Camp X-Ray' Trailer Features Kristen Stewart's Celebrated Sundance Performance

Kristen Stewart Like You've Never Seen Her?

Kristen Stewart won her fair share of rave reviews when "Camp X-Ray" premiered at Sundance in January. It's the closest she's come to an Oscar bid, even if her chances of securing a nomination aren't likely. In a role that was originally written for a man, Stewart plays a Guantanamo Bay guard who forms an unlikely connection to a detainee ("A Separation" star Peyman Moaadi). We don't want to speak too soon, but with this, the Cannes success story "Clouds of Sils Maria" and next year's "American Ultra," maybe we aren't in Forks anymore after all. "Camp X-Ray" opens Oct. 17.

Before You Go

Mark Duplass, Elisabeth Moss

Sundance Film Festival 2014

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