86-Year-Old Great-Great-Grandmother Writes Steamy Novel, And We're Blushing

86-Year-Old Woman Writes Steamy Novel, And We're Blushing

This time it's the author who has shades of grey.

An 86-year-old Salt Lake City woman has written a sexy novel about a bored housewife who gets "turned on" by a radio host's voice. Georgia Gorringe, a great-great-grandmother, took five years to write her first book, titled "No Good-Bye," and she's reportedly spared no sizzle.

Bobbie Posey, her daughter, told Utah's KUTV in the segment above that the 176 pages are full of "steaminess," prompting her to ask her mom, "How can you write that?"

Gorringe, who goes by the pen name Georgie Marie, insists the work is fiction, but her daughter added, "We know who she's talking about."

Jezebel offered some sample text: "Gloria never told Dr. Ben that hearing his voice made her knees go weak and quiver. It was almost orgasmic!"

Did it suddenly get warm in the newsroom?

"What ensues is excitement, anticipation, rejection, and the entire swirl of emotions that come with any love affair," the Amazon description reads . (It's also been available on Kindle since she published the book in February.)

As for the surprise ending Gorringe has cooked up, she won't spoil it for her audience. “I think they'd better read it to find out,” she said to the station.

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