Parents Turn Sexting Teen Daughter In To Police

Parents Turn Sexting Teen Daughter In To Police

A Virginia couple turned their teen daughter in to local police after they discovered she was exchanging racy images on her electronic devices.

The girl, who is 13, had been using her phone to send nude photos of herself to boys, the parents said.

"Looking through the phone and the tablet we did find sexual pictures, conversations that were very inappropriate for her age," the mother of the girl told WTVR. Her name has been withheld to protect her daughter's identity. "Everybody wanted to be her friend, because according to these people, she was cool now."

The mom said that the girl received messages from at least one boy who appeared to be in his late teens asking if she wanted to have sex. That led them to contact the Dinwiddie County Sheriff's Office. They took her daughter to the station and turned her over for questioning.

Police say that they're investigating the case. The boy who sent the messages is believed to be a senior at an area high school. Depending on his age, that could mean felony charges, but prosecutors said that there are other options available. The girl may also face charges.

Commonwealth Attorney Lisa Caruso said that in such cases, juveniles are sometimes ordered to enter a 12-week program, consisting of group classes. "The parents would get involved [and] there would be some counseling," she said.

The middle-schooler's parents confiscated their daughter's electronic devices.

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