Spirit Airlines 'Bare Fare' Promotion Exploits Celebrity Picture Leaks For Ticket Sales

'Bare Fare' Promotion Exploits Celebrity Picture Leaks To Sell Tickets

You know what really makes us want to support a company? When they use the public violation of women's privacy to sell tickets.

Spirit Airlines emailed a "bare fare" promotion to their mailing list today, making light of this weekend's celebrity nude photo leak. Instead of showing compassion for the people whose privacy was breached, someone thought this would be the perfect opportunity to sell some airline tickets.

In an email titled "Our Selfie Leaked Too..." the company uses the image of a semi-nude woman to promote their "bare fare." The text reads: “We feel naked; you were never supposed to see this Bare Fare! It was meant for a special someone (who isn’t you). Now it’s all over the Internet for you to take advantage of as you see fit.”

They also tweeted the ad, but deleted the tweet after backlash from Twitter users who described the ad as "lacking in taste," "vile," "shameless" and "almost unbelievably crappy."

A spokesperson for Spirit Airlines told The Huffington Post that the "bare fare" campaign was originally launched in May, referring to their "unbundled" fees. The idea was reused in the tweet and email blast sent today.

"It coincides with a trending news story that's out there... It was not meant to be offensive," he told HuffPost. "Our ads are meant to be different. We acknowledge and accept that some people may not feel the same way."

Sorry Spirit Airlines, but that's just not gonna fly.

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