Davey Wavey Releases 'Watch Straight Guys Pick Their Buttholes From A Lineup'

WATCH: Can These Straight Guys Recognize A Very Intimate Part Of Their Body From A Lineup?

(Note: The above video contains language which may not be suitable for work or other sensitive environments)

Do you know what your butthole looks like?

This is what popular YouTube vlogger Davey Wavey wanted to know, so he lined up five straight men to determine if they could recognize their own intimate part when confronted by a lineup of sphincters. By doing so, Wavey says he hopes to make a point about one big difference between heterosexual and gay men.

The video was inspired by a previous piece done by Wavey, in which the YouTuber showed a group of women their vaginas for the first time.

"It wasn't hard finding straight guys to participate," Wavey told The Huffington Post. "I can't speak for all gay men, but my butthole is an intensely personal place. But for a lot of straight guys, it's not magical or mysterious or sacred -- it's where they poop. It was like asking to take a picture of their elbow. They didn't care and were really indifferent to the whole thing. Clearly, there some big differences between gay men and straight men, and how we view our bodies. But at the end of the day, it's important for all of us -- gay or straight -- to be in tune with our bodies. Explore. Discover. Celebrate. And for the love of God, wash off the toilet paper fuzz."

For more from Davey Wavey (if you dare...), head here.

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