'Supernatural' First Look Shows Demon Dean Killing It At Karaoke

Demon Dean Kills It At Karaoke In New 'Supernatural' Photos

New "Supernatural" photos show Demon Dean already off to a murderous start by totally killing it on stage.

Season 10 of "Supernatural" kicks off with Sam (Jared Padalecki) in a frantic search for his brother Dean (Jensen Ackles), who is now a demon. The season takes dark turns for both of the brothers, according to Hypable; however, The CW just released some pics from the premiere, and the thing that seems most pivotal about them is that Demon Dean is singing karaoke.

According to E!, Dean will be performing Atlanta Rhythm Section's 1978 song "Imaginary Lover," and one thing we know for sure is that it's going to be awesome.


Even though he's a demon now, another photo of Dean apparently flirting with a waitress shows we should still expect some of his same old antics.

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One guy who definitely isn't having as much fun with the new Dean is Sam, who appears to have been captured while possibly making a wrong turn going to the karaoke bar.


Hopefully Sam gets out of this one quick. Knowing Dean, he probably signed him up to get on stage next.

"Supernatural" returns Tuesday, October 7, at 9:00 p.m. ET on The CW.

Before You Go

Episode 904: "Slumber Party"


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