Gummy Penises Recalled After Parents Just Cannot Deal

Gummy Penises Recalled After Parents Just Cannot Deal

Parents in New Zealand were pretty upset after some packages of fruit snacks turned out to be a little heavy on the grapes.

Barrie Aburn, of Dunedin, told the New Zealand Herald that his kids pulled penis-shaped gummies from a pack of candies. The gummies were made in China, where they're not considered offensive. But that certainly wasn't the case in New Zealand.

''I don't find anything amusing about it at all. I find it disgusting,'' Jacqui Hawkins, Aburn's parter, told the newspaper.

Jack Van de Geest, managing director of sales for Dutch Rusk, the candy-seller who imported the penis gummies, told that people were so upset by the penis-shaped snacks that they had to issue a recall.

He said that even though only one out of every 20 or 30 bags contained one or two gummy penises, retrieving the unwanted candies cost thousands of dollars, Van de Geest said.

"These things happen," he told the website.

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