Ted Cruz Booed Offstage At Defense of Christians Gathering For Israel Comments

WATCH: Ted Cruz Booed Offstage For Israel Comments

(RNS) After he said “Christians have no greater ally than Israel,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was heckled off the stage at a Wednesday night (Sept. 10) gala to raise awareness of beleaguered Mideast Christians.

Cruz, the keynote speaker at the Washington, D.C., dinner, sponsored by In Defense of Christians, a new organization spearheaded by Catholic and Orthodox Christians, prompted boos and cries of “stop it!” and “enough” and “no!” as an increasingly louder crowd told him to get off the stage.

The incident, first reported by the online news organization The Daily Caller, was captured on video by EWTN, the Catholic television network. The video shows that Cruz tried to continue speaking, but many in the audience, in a hotel ballroom, expressed anger when he included Hamas in the list of militants out to destroy religious minorities in the Middle East.

The episode highlighted a central tension between U.S. evangelicals, who strongly support Israel, and Middle Eastern Christians — including thousands of Palestinian Christians — who hold Israel responsible for expropriated Arab lands and the death toll in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“Those who hate Jews hate Christians,” Cruz said to the crowd. “If those in this room will not recognize that, then my heart weeps. If you hate Jewish people then you are not reflecting the teachings of Christ. And the very same people who persecute and murder Christians right now, who crucify Christians, who behead children, are the very same people who target Jews for their faith, for the same reason.”

In Defense of Christians’ three-day inaugural summit ended on Thursday (Sept. 11) and brought together hundreds of Orthodox Christians from the Middle East and Europe, as well as many American Orthodox Christians, Catholics and evangelicals. On Wednesday morning the conference heard from Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C., as well as several Orthodox patriarchs before heading to Capitol Hill for a day of lobbying. Only one Wednesday morning speaker mentioned Israel, calling its conflict with the Palestinians the root of Middle Eastern chaos.

That view, IDC executive director Andrew Doran said at the time, is not the view of the IDC or likely many at the conference.

Wednesday night, IDC president Toufic Baaklini tried to quiet the crowd, but to little avail. After the incident he issued a statement decrying the outburst against Cruz.

“A few politically motivated opportunists chose to divide a room that for more than 48 hours sought unity in opposing the shared threat of genocide, faced not only by our Christian brothers and sisters, but our Jewish brothers and sisters and people of all other faiths and all people of good will.

“Tonight’s injection of politics when the focus should have been on unity and faith, momentarily played into the hands of a few who do not adhere to IDC’s principles,” the statement continued. “They were made no longer welcome.”

Before You Go

AP Photo/Pat Sullivan
"Go to Genesis chapter nine and you will find the death penalty clearly stated in Genesis chapter nine ... God ordains the death penalty!”
On Glen Beck, the savior:
AP Photo/David J. Phillip
"I praise God for men like Glen Beck and Matt Kibbe who are not afraid to speak the truth, who are like modern John the Baptist, crying out in the wilderness."
On going to the battlefield:
AP Photo/Pat Sullivan
"God has given you an anointing to go to the battlefield. And what's the battlefield? The marketplace. To go to the marketplace and occupy the land. To go to the marketplace and take dominion."
AP Photo/Pat Sullivan
"Evolution is one of the strongest tools of Marxism because if they can convince you that you came from a monkey, it’s much easier to convince you that God does not exist."
AP Photo/Pat Sullivan
"Socialism requires that government becomes your God. That's why they have to destroy your concept of God. They have to destroy all your loyalties except loyalty to the government."
On the U.S. as a "Christian nation":
AP Photo/Pat Sullivan
"The president has the gall to tell us that this is not a Christian nation. The United States of American was formed to honor the word of God."
On Obama destroying God:
AP Photo/Pat Sullivan
"We have to unmask this man. This is a man that seeks to destroy all concept of God -- and I will tell you what, this is classical Marxist philosophy."
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AP Photo/Pat Sullivan
“Barack Obama said: If the winds shift, I will side with the Muslims.”
"When there are no moral absolutes, [this] leads us to sexual immorality, leads us to sexual abuse, leads us to perversion and, of course, no hope."

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