7 Places To Stop Organizing That Even Organized People Will Agree With

The 7 Places Even Organized People Just Don't Organize

If you've ever read anything I've written on organization, you know I'm one of those people -- the hyper-neat type who takes their habit way too far and unintentionally makes you second guess every decision you've made around your home when I come to visit. But, even I know that sometimes a little clutter is actually (brace yourselves) a good thing.

Now this is by no means an invitation to throw everything you've ever learned about organizing your life out the window. It is, however, a chance to take a look around your home and cut yourself some slack.

Because if I can let these places slide, trust me, you can, too.

1. Your Underwear Drawer
Folding underwear is a surefire way to prolong the laundry process. Just throw them in the drawer and tackle the chore much faster.

underwear drawer

2. Your Significant Other's Side Of The Closet
There are some things that are simply a lost cause, and changing someone's organization habits is one of them. Just be grateful that things are kept in the closet and only bring it up if their clothes find their way onto the floor or, worse, on your side of the closet.


3. Your Desk
Fun fact: A slightly messy desk can actually help spur creativity and inspire you to try new ideas. Permission to let your workspace go every once in a while? Granted.


4. Your Kids' Toy Bin
We all know they're going to move on to a new toy in 2.5 seconds. Let their activity happen naturally and throw it all together in one heap when they're done.

toy bin

5. Your Junk Drawer
Living completely clutter-free can be just as stressful as living in total disarray. If you contain your "weak" moments to a designated area, you'll feel a bit freer without subjecting your entire home to disorganization.

junk drawer

6. Your Box Of Old Photos
Stop worrying if the picture belongs in the "Christmas 1991" or "Christmas 1992" section and focus on the memories. The important thing, after all, is that you kept the photos.


7. Your Catch-All Dishes
If you're jewelry's left out, so be it. Let these dishes do their job and don't worry about making your already pretty jewelry look prettier with some meticulous re-arranging.

catch alls

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