Why 400,000 People Marched For Climate Change Action

Why We March

Climate activists filled the streets of New York City today for the People's Climate March.

People came from across the country and around the world to support meaningful action on climate change just days before world leaders assemble for the UN climate summit. Initial counts estimated march attendance at more than 400,000 people, three times the number predicted by organizers before the event.

The march included representatives from over 1,500 organizations, including students, scientists, faith groups, labor unions, businesses, environmental groups and more.

We talked to just a few participants and asked them to share why they came to march today. The answers we got were inspiring, unique and powerful.

climate march 15Harry, Rochester, New York

climate march 16"From the Earthsavers, Philippines, UNESCO Artist For Peace -- We have to conscienticize the world leaders to agree on the global deal for survivial and keep a safe healthy planet for our children. We are battered by supertyphoons -- and we must stop the madness of carbon pollution!" Cecile, Philippines

climate march 18Lydia, Syracuse, New York

climate march 1Rhea, Onondaga Nation

climate march 3Lucia, New Jersey

climate march 4"Save Mother Earth." Byron, Guatemala.

climate march 6Stephanie, Brooklyn

climate march 7John, West Virginia

climate march 8Allison, Brooklyn

climate march 9Joe, Brooklyn

climate march 10Leonard, Upstate New York

climate march 11Mikael, Evanston Illinois

climate march 12David, Pennsylvania

climate march 13Polly, Pennsylvania

climate march 5"Because I live here." Camilo, Brooklyn

climate march 2Karkehron, Mohawk Nation

climate march 14Addie, Rochester, New York

climate march 17Christine, Maine

This blog post is part of the #WhyICare blog series, curated by the editors of HuffPost Generation Change in recognition of the People's Climate March in New York City on September 21, 2014. To see all the other posts in the series, click here.

Join the conversation on Twitter and tell us why you care about the climate crisis with the hashtags #WhyICare and #PCM. For more information about the People's Climate March, click here.

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