Watch A 'Gilmore Girls'/'Twin Peaks' Intro Credits Mash-Up, Because Small Town Life

Here's The 'Gilmore Girls'/'Twin Peaks' Mash-Up You Didn't Know You Needed

In case your Facebook newsfeed hadn't yet convinced you, there is now even more evidence that "Gilmore Girls" and "Twin Peaks" are the only television shows that matter right now.

YouTube user Jamison Hermann put together a mash-up of the two series' opening credits, cleverly titled "Lead Me To Twin Peaks." Yay for TV series about small towns!

We must say, Twin Peaks does look a little more inviting with the Carole King tune in the background. Maybe we'll even find a bespectacled troubadour playing guitar on a street corner.

And in case you need a reminder: Here are the original "Twin Peaks" and "Gilmore Girls" intros.

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