An Instagram Post Gave This Teen His Eyesight Back

An Instagram Post Gave This Teen His Eyesight Back

When North Carolina teen Jon Dase was diagnosed with keratoconus, a rare eyesight condition that can cause blindness, he feared he'd have to give up his lifelong dreams of serving in the Air Force.

Earlier this week, Jon had surgery that will restore his eyesight and his dreams -- and it's all thanks to this Instagram post, according to The Fay Observer:

Jon's mother, Billie, took to social media for help saving Jon's vision. When Brittany Jones learned about Jon's illness, she posted the above photo to Instagram and tagged a number of people, including famous veteran and former talk-show host Montel Williams.

Williams connected Billie to Brian S. Boxer Wachler, a Beverly Hills doctor who performs eye surgery that corrects keratoconus. An anonymous donor generously offered to cover the cost of the $15,000 surgery and the family used a Go Fund Me campaign to cover the cost of travel.

Billie told the Huffington Post that Jon's surgery, which took place yesterday, was a complete success. She said, "His vision has improved dramatically overnight." The family was awestruck at all the support they received through social media. Billie told Huff Post, "I cannot thank everybody enough for all the support, love and prayers that they showed our family... It's good to know that there's still a lot of very good people in this world."

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