Here Are The Best Reactions To Sunday's Shocking 'Walking Dead' Ending

Here Are The Best Reactions To That Shocking 'Walking Dead' Ending

WARNING! Major "Walking Dead" spoilers!

Sunday night's "Walking Dead" taught us that it's all fun and games until someone loses a leg.

The episode started off with Rick and his posse having a good ol' time walking around the woods, but it wasn't long before that all went south. Pretty soon, the group had to save a mysterious preacher from walkers. They then decided to stay in the man's church. The place seemed eerily normal, except for the message, "You'll burn for this," carved into the side of it, which is probably pretty standard for buildings on "The Walking Dead."

One thing that stood out during the episode was that Bob seemed to be way too happy, but, as you can see in the crazy scene below, that didn't last very long:

After the episode, the Internet went crazy, and #BobBQ even started trending on Twitter. Here are some of the best reactions:

this was all I thought about when they were eating his leg. #thewalkingdead #BOBBQ

— newedition (@kavonhill) October 20, 2014

#BobBQ #cannibals Wild Walkers Kentucky Fried Bob ? #Twd #TheWalkingDead

— Geek Strong (@Geek_Strong) October 20, 2014

Grand opening at Bob's Burgers! Nice and juicy! Selling fast!
#BobBQ #TheWalkingDead #TheTalkingDead

— Brittany (@Brittany0Walker) October 20, 2014

Bob was like #BobBQ

— Vinnie (@VinnieL_) October 20, 2014

Can't have a bobecue with out bobecue sauce #BobBQ @TheWalkingDead @AMCTalkingDead

— leigha (@leighaduster) October 20, 2014

Heh ... Bobecue Sauce.

"Walking Dead" Season 5 airs Sunday at 9:00 p.m. ET on AMC.

Before You Go

"The Walking Dead" Season 4

The Walking Dead


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