Neil Patrick Harris Talks Nude Scenes In 'Gone Girl'

Neil Patrick Harris: 'You Don't Want Just A Long, Long Moment Of Wang'

Neil Patrick Harris stopped by Conan O'Brien this week to discuss his role in the massively popular "Gone Girl," and took some time to open up about his much-discussed nude scene in the film.

Harris emphasized that he had to navigate the scene carefully, in an effort to not give too much away to the eager audience.

"We shot that particular scene for two days -- two days of that," Harris told O'Brien. "It was disarming... your butt is just out there. There's a camera crew and there's your butt. But that had to happen -- you just deal with it. I was more concerned with Rosamund Pike. I wanted to make sure that she... felt comfortable and didn't feel weird."

But it wasn't just his butt that he was worried about.

He also told Conan he wanted to make sure that no one "really, really" saw "his wang."

"You don’t mind a hint of the wang but you don’t want just a long, long moment of the wang. You’re conscious of that."

We don't know, NPH, we don't mind "really, really" seeing a little wang now and again.

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