Why Do These Parents Allow Their Heroin-Addicted Daughters To Shoot Up At Home? (VIDEO)

Why Do These Parents Allow Their Heroin-Addicted Daughters To Shoot Up At Home?

Linda and Rich are allowing their three heroin-addicted daughters to live in their home, and continue to give them money, because Linda refuses to kick them out. Linda says she's only seen them shoot up once, and Rich says he's never seen it. But Dr. Phil's cameras give the parents an eye-opening look at a day in their daughters' lives. They have shot up approximately 36,500 times, and will do anything for money to support their addiction.

When Rich blames it on his wife for continuing to support their 20-something daughters, Dr. Phil doesn't mince words: "Grow a pair and be a man!" he tells Rich. "What are you doing? You let her dominate you out of doing what you know to be right?"

Watch the video above as Dr. Phil tells the parents they are enabling their girls. “There is nothing I can do, there is nothing I can put in these girls’ lives to help them get clean and stay clean as long as I’ve got you two knot-heads sabotaging everything I do,” he says. “It’s easy for me to tell you to put your kids out on the street. Would it be easy for me to put my kids out on the street? Hell no. I get that, but I also understand that it comes down to do I want them to have a chance of surviving or not.”

Watch today's Dr. Phil to see what Dr. Phil has to say to the three sisters, and how the family will move forward. Check here for local listings.

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