Rachel Maddow Calls Out Conservative Right For Plotting Obama Impeachment

Maddow Calls Out Right For Plotting Obama Impeachment

Rachel Maddow thinks conservative America might be counting impeachment chickens before they hatch.

During her show Monday, the MSNBC host took a look at two-term U.S. Presidents who served their last two years in office dealing with unified opposition in congress, as Obama could if Republicans take the Senate and hold onto the House in Tuesday's mid-term elections. If the historical trends hold, and the GOP does take over the legislative branch, says Maddow, we should expect another round of conservative activists calling for impeachment.

How does Maddow know this? Because the election isn't over yet, and the calls -- however off-base and out of touch -- have already begun.

WATCH the impeachment excerpt, above, and Maddow's full segment, below:

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