Gorgeous Video Shows Pond Snails Growing From Embryos To Hatchlings In Just 11 Seconds

Watch Pond Snails Grow From Embryos To Hatchlings In Just 11 Seconds

Watching eggs hatch is always an adventure, but this time-lapse video of tiny pond snails going from embryos to hatchlings is mesmerizing.

YouTuber Eigio captured the process in a flat, 5 centimeter-thin "aquarium-like ecosystem." He watched these two pond snail eggs over the course of nine days -- which is how long the process typically takes -- through a DIY macro lens.

From there, he created a time-lapse video that captures the whole process in about 11 seconds, and features extra footage of slowed-down wiggling and wriggling. Watch above, but beware: Only one of the snails survived!

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