Book Stopped Bullet In Deadly FSU Shooting, Survivor Jason Derfuss Says (PHOTOS)

Book Stopped Bullet In Deadly FSU Shooting, Survivor Says (PHOTOS)

A Florida State University student said he narrowly escaped injury when a gunman shot at him early Thursday morning, the suspect's bullet hitting his backpack and lodging into a book.

Jason Derfuss, a 21-year-old student at the college, was studying at the library when shots rang out.

"I heard what was unmistakably a gunshot behind me, and initially I kind of tried to rationalize it as a firecracker, but I knew exactly what it was," Derfuss told WESH News. "He gunned down another student right in front of me about 50 feet away."

Derfuss said in a Reddit comment that he was the initial target of the gunman, but it wasn't until he had fled the library that he noticed a bullet was lodged in a book after it passed through his backpack. Derfuss said upon the discovery, he went to police and gave a statement.

Jason Derfuss / Facebook
Jason Derfuss / Facebook
Jason Derfuss / Facebook
Jason Derfuss / Facebook
Jason Derfuss / Facebook
Jason Derfuss / Facebook
Jason Derfuss / Facebook
Jason Derfuss / Facebook
Jason Derfuss / Facebook
Jason Derfuss / Facebook
Jason Derfuss / Facebook

More from Derfuss, via Facebook:

Earlier tonight there was a shooting at FSU, right as I was leaving Strozier. I didn't know this at the time, but the Shooter targeted me first. The shot I heard behind me I did not feel, nor did it hit me at all. He was about 5 feet from me, but he hit my books. Books one minute earlier I had checked out of the library, books that should not have stopped the bullet. But they did. I learned this about 3 hours after it happened, I never thought to check my bag. I assumed I wasn't a target, I assumed I was fine. The truth is I was almost killed tonight and God intervened. I know conceptually He can do all things, but to physically witness the impossible and to be surrounded by such grace is indescribable. To God be the glory, forever and ever, Amen.

Three students were wounded in the attack before police killed the gunman, who has been identified as Myron May, a former Florida State student.

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