Pregnant Woman Blasts Anti-Abortion Activists Outside Clinic, Floors Everyone

Pregnant Woman Blasts Anti-Abortion Activists, Floors Everyone

Journalist Sunny Hundal had been filming a group of anti-abortion protesters outside a clinic in London on Wednesday when a pregnant passerby stepped forward to confront the demonstrators gathered and left everyone speechless.

Hundal had been asking a protester who had a camera on him whether or not he’d been filming women coming in and out of the clinic. The protesters began denying this claim, when the pregnant woman, who’d been observing the scene, suddenly spoke up.

“It’s wrong what you’re doing. You don’t know why people are doing what they’re doing but you want to be out here judging and filming,” she said, her voice rising. “You’re standing out here making other people feel guilty … Many people have been abused, you don’t know what their reasons [are]. I think this is so wrong on so many levels.”

The woman, who has yet to be identified, later said she works for a nearby charity called Kids Company UK, an organization that provides support to inner-city children. “This is the wrong place to be located, especially when we have our people that are going through their shit, coming to visit us at Kids Company where we're meant to help, then they’re meant to see this,” she told the demonstrators.

“We work with girls that have been abused, molested, and you've got this on," she added. "You get raped … and then you tell me what you do after that."

Kids Company UK confirmed to The Huffington Post that the woman works for the group. A representative said the worker is not currently speaking to the media.

Hundal captured a video of the woman’s words, and shared it on YouTube this week. The clip has since been viewed more than 650,000 times, with some netizens hailing the woman as a “hero.” (Skip to around 1:07 in the video to get right to the woman’s interjection.)

According to Hundal, the protesters outside the clinic, said to be run by the British Pregnancy Advice Service, are part of an anti-abortion activist group called Abort67.

“Britain does not offer legal protection to women’s health services from anti-abortion activists,” the journalist wrote in a blog post last month. “[Abort67] has exploited this gap in the law and, over the last few weeks, confronted women going into the [clinic] with graphic posters and leaflets with pictures of dismembered fetuses. They have also been filming patients coming in and out of the practice without asking for their consent.”

Hundal told BuzzFeed that while he believes anti-abortion groups have a right to express their beliefs, “they shouldn’t be intimidating women as they are now.”

For its part, Abort67 has defended its actions, telling The Daily Mail this week: “The YouTube video by Sunny Hundal which reveals the gentle nature by which we hold our displays serves to emphasize that abortion is indefensible. Pro-aborts like Sunny can’t defend killing small human beings so he tries (in vain) to shame our volunteers for trying to defend the unborn child.”

Though this video was filmed in the United Kingdom, there have also been recent incidents of protesters in the United States infringing on a woman’s ability to go safely in and out of reproductive health clinics.

Earlier this year, disturbing undercover audio of a training session conducted by anti-abortion activists revealed the tactics used by such groups in Texas to dissuade patients from obtaining an abortion. “You track license plates ... coming into any abortion facility," an activist is heard saying in the audio clip. "We have a very sophisticated spreadsheet, everybody keeps track. This way you can track whether or not a client comes back.”

This post has been updated to include confirmation from Kids Company UK.

Before You Go

After State Sen. Wendy Davis' (D) "filibuster heard 'round the world," Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) in July signed into law a package of abortion restrictions that has already shut down clinics across the state. The new law bans abortions 20 weeks after fertilization and requires all clinics to become ambulatory surgical centers -- in effect, mini hospitals -- even if they do not provide surgical abortions. The law also mandates that abortion providers have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the clinic and requires them to administer the abortion-inducing medication RU-486 in person, rather than allow women to take it at home.
North Dakota
North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple (R) signed a trio of abortion restrictions into law in March that makes the state one of the most difficult places to access abortion care in the country. One of the laws bans abortion as soon as the fetal heartbeat is detected, which can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. The other two require abortion physicians to have admitting privileges at local hospitals and ban abortions that are based on the gender of the fetus.
The Ohio state legislature found a new way to shut down abortion clinics this year: it passed a law requiring clinics to have a patient transfer agreement with a local hospital in case of an emergency. But public hospitals are banned from entering into those agreements in Ohio, making it nearly impossible for many clinics to comply. The restrictions are already closing down abortion clinics in the state.
North Carolina
North Carolina lawmakers stealthily buried a bundle of anti-abortion measures into an unrelated motorcycle safety bill this year and passed it before the public had time to object. The law eliminates insurance coverage of abortions for public employees and in the federal health care law's public exchanges. It also imposes sweeping new restrictions on abortion clinics that are expected to make it difficult for them to continue operating.
Michigan lawmakers used a rare and archaic procedural move to pass a law this month banning all insurance plans in the state from covering abortion unless the woman's life is in danger. The law, nicknamed the "rape insurance" bill by opponents, will force women and employers to purchase a separate abortion rider if they would like the procedure covered, even in cases of rape and incest.
Arkansas lawmakers voted this year to override Gov. Mike Beebe's (D) veto on a bill banning abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy. The law directly challenges the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, which protects a woman's right to have an abortion until the fetus is viable (generally considered to be around 22 weeks). A federal judge has temporarily blocked it from going into effect while legal challenges are pending.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) signed a bill this year requiring Indiana abortion clinics that only dispense the abortion-inducing medication RU-486 to meet the same physical standards as surgical facilities. It also forces women to undergo ultrasounds before receiving the drug. The law was intended to target a Planned Parenthood clinic in Lafayette, Ind. But the clinic will remain open, for now, because a U.S. District Judge temporarily blocked the law in November.
Kansas legislators passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill this year that declares life begins "at fertilization" and prohibits abortion providers like Planned Parenthood from being involved in public school sex education classes. The bill also requires doctors to tell women that abortion is linked to breast cancer, although the National Cancer Institute concluded ten years ago that there is no causal relationship between the two.
Gov. Scott Walker (R) quietly signed a Republican-backed bill in July that mandates ultrasounds before abortions and requires doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. A federal judge temporarily blocked the admitting privileges requirement after opponents showed it would effectively shut down two of the four abortion clinics in the state.

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