6 New Year's Resolutions That Don't Take All Damn Year To Accomplish

6 New Year's Resolutions That Don't Take All Damn Year To Accomplish

The new year is fast approaching, so it's time to cook up some New Year's resolutions (that, let's be real, you'll probably end up breaking.) The tradition kind of sets you up for failure, because it's really hard to stick to a long-term resolution. But that doesn't mean you have to give up entirely -- it doesn't take 365 days to make a change to your life. Here are 6 awesome things you can accomplish, in way less than 12 months:

1. Run a 5k

Your New Year's resolution is to become The Flash... make a January resolution you can actually keep, and start training for a 5k. If you're at a beginner running level, you'll need between four and nine weeks. Stick with the schedule, and watch yourself go from wheezing to winning.

2. Fix your sleep schedule

You will sleep better all year if you follow a schedule for the first few weeks of 2015. Lifehacker has a great guide for resetting your sleep schedule in just a few weeks. The first step? Take the first week of 2015 to actually figure out your body's natural sleep needs. Pro tip: To fast track this resolution, take a one week camping trip. Hanging out in nature jumpstarts your natural biological clock.

3. Learn Photoshop

With this 100 course lesson plan from Udemy, you can become a master at Photoshop in about a month. Working in small lesson segments, you only need to spend about 15 minutes a day to get a handle on all the amazing tools. It costs $19, which is much less than most online courses.

4. Learn to play guitar

You wanna be a rock star, but you don't want to wait? Typical. Luckily for you, Guitar Command has a free online course that will have you ready to start your garage band after eight weeks.

5. Become a true blue artist

Follow a structured schedule and learn to draw anything you can dream of with this book guide by Emmy-Award winning PBS host Mark Kistler, which you can also access via Nook. Or create your own free curriculum on Drawspace.com, which offers tons of free lessons on every aspect of drawing, from shading to caricatures to self-portrait.

6. Learn to code

Coding is basically the new literacy. It's also super easy to learn, thanks to tutorials like Code School, which has a $29 dollar a month subscription, or Code Academy, which is totally free. Learn the basics of coding and you'll be making your own iPhone apps in no time. Flappy Bird, who?

What's nice about these goals is that, unlike your 2014 resolution to become Instagram famous, they're all short-term and manageable. Here's to a 2015 of actually getting stuff done!

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Totally Manageable New Year's Resolutions

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