'SNL' Cuba Skit Takes All The Fun Out Of Restoring Diplomatic Relations

'SNL' Cuba Skit Takes All The Fun Out Of Restoring Diplomatic Relations

"Saturday Night Live" celebrated a "Very Cuban Christmas" this year with a nod to the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the island and the United States.

With references to old cars, small coffee and Scarface, the skit hit on all the major Cuban stereotypes while simultaneously screwing up major facts. For example, the Tony Montana character says last week’s announcement ended the Cuban embargo. It didn’t.

As co-hosts for the show they picked Cuban-American performers Gloria Estefan and Pitbull, both of whom have sharply criticized the current government and wouldn’t likely promote U.S. travel there. A little research would have easily yielded a few characters that would’ve made more sense.

Also, we’ve seen better Pitbull impressions. Even if you’re not bilingual, throw out a “Daleeeeee!!!” once in a while. This is what it looks like:

Latino Rebels weighed in with some harsh words. “[T]his is what bad stereotypical comedy is all about,” Latino Rebels wrote on its site. “Welcome to mediocrity, SNL. Your Cuba skit sucked.” NBC didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Anyways, watch the skit for yourself above and let us know what you think in the comments.

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