Your Last Minute Christmas Shopping As Told By '90s Game Show 'Supermarket Sweep'

Your Last Minute Christmas Shopping As Told By 'Supermarket Sweep'

What day is it?! It can't be... Christmas already?!

If you're celebrating the holiday and haven't bought any presents yet (and you're familiar with 1990's game show "Supermarket Sweep") you're definitely going to relate to this.

Aaaaaand GO!

Oh, hey, Bob! Yes, the family's great, no time to talk!

So many people! No room to maneuve-AHHHHHH!

Don't panic, don't panic, NOBODY FREAKING PANIC! Maureen, you're dead weight, I'm going it alone!

Don't fail me, cart! Not you too!

Normally I would put fallen merchandise back on the shelf, but today? Merchandise, you can go straight to hell!

F--k it, everyone's getting the same thing!

Stay focused!

You're right! I'm not leaving my secret santa high and dry--GET THE F--K OUT OF MY WAY! I own these aisles!

Oh, God, I'm lost! Did I just transport into Narnia?!

Oh, no, delirium is setting in ...


Forget carrying bags to the car! Bring the car to the bags! Do your worst, mall security! I'm in a magical bright green car surrounded by a protective neon glow, mwahahahaha!

I can see the finish line! Cart, old friend, take me away from this nightmare!

The end of the check-out lane! So beautiful!


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